EDR is excited to congratulate our client, EverPower Wind Holdings, on receiving the first ever “notification of complete application” from the New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment (Siting Board). An Application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need was filed on May 27, 2016 in accordance with Article 10 of the NYS Public Service Law. Supplemental filings were made in October, and the completeness notification was issued on November 28, 2016. This represents a significant milestone for EverPower, and another significant milestone for EDR!
EDR’s role in this project to date has been extensive and includes managing the preparation of the Article 10 Application and supplemental filings, along with countless strategy discussions and meetings with EverPower and the project’s permitting counsel (Young Sommer), and multiple agency consultations throughout the various steps of the process. EDR also provided significant environmental and engineering support services, including preparation of the Preliminary Design Drawings, Shadow Flicker Report, Cultural Resources Studies (Archaeological Survey, Historic Structures Survey, and associated Work Plans), Invasive Species Control Plan, Preliminary Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), Preliminary Spill Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan, Wetland Delineation Report, Visual Impact Assessment, and Socioeconomic Report.
The entire Article 10 Application and supplemental filings can be viewed and downloaded from the online case record maintained by the Siting Board here.
For More Information
Benjamin R. Brazell | Principal, Director of Environmental Services[email protected]