EDR congratulates Avangrid Renewables on the recent approval by the New York Siting Board, of Mohawk Solar the first such approval for a utility-scale solar project in New York State. On November 19, 2020, the Siting Board issued an Order Granting a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need Order Granting a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the proposed Mohawk Solar project, a 90.5-megawatt solar project in Montgomery County, NY.
EDR has served as the lead environmental permitting consultant for the project since 2016 and assisted Avangrid Renewables to resolve significant environmental and permitting challenges including:
- On-site threatened and endangered wildlife (avian) surveys, development of a Net Conservation Benefit Plan, and negotiation of grassland bird habitat mitigation areas.
- Design of a site-specific Visual Mitigation Planting Plan, which mimics existing “old field” and successional vegetation in the project area to screen and soften views of the project from nearby roadways and residences.
- Preparation of Area Variance Applications for the Towns of Canajoharie and Minden.
- Field studies and project design recommendations to avoid and minimize impacts to onsite wetlands and other sensitive habitats.
- Development of a Historic Resources Mitigation Plan with the New York State Historic Preservation Office, the first such plan associated with a utility-scale solar project in the state.
The approval of Mohawk Solar represents an important contribution to New York’s renewable energy goals. EDR is proud of our role in supporting the responsible siting and development of renewable energy projects and we congratulate all our exceptional staff who contributed to the success of this project.
For More Information
Patrick Heaton, Principal, Cultural Resources & GIS Services | [email protected]
Samantha Vanetti-Recore, Project Manager | [email protected]