EDR’s Jane Rice and Andy Obernesser were recently invited to speak at the Cazenovia Preservation Foundation’s annual meeting. The presentation on the many roles and benefits of sound municipal planning was greeted with much support from a crowd of residents, business owners, and public officials. It was a great honor to present to such dedicated and engaged community members, and to hear stories of local development and preservation in keeping with the joint comprehensive plan that EDR crafted for the Village and Town of Cazenovia in 2008-2009. Many thanks to the CPF’s Board of Directors for inviting us to take part in an inspiring evening!
For nearly fifty years, the Cazenovia Preservation Foundation has put so much effort into maintaining the character and special assets of its community via a number of tools, including the acquisition of façade easements in the Village, the establishment and maintenance of trail systems, and the purchase of development rights on agricultural and recreational properties. To learn more about the CPF and its work in the Cazenovia community, check out their website at: http://cazpreservation.org/.