EDR is a proud sponsor of the 2018 Summer Solstice Garden Tour, hosted by the Central New York Land Trust! This year’s Garden Tour will be held on Saturday, June 23rd at Sycamore Gardens in Marcellus from 11-4.
CNYLT board member and EDR’s own Andy Obernesser was recently a guest on News Channel 9’s “Bridge Street Live” to talk about the great work that the Land Trust has been doing throughout the year. With major projects in Manlius and Volney, it has been a busy year for conservation efforts in Onondaga and Oswego Counties! EDR salutes the work of the Land Trust in preserving thousands of acres in nearly 50 communities throughout Central New York, and we look forward to supporting their continued efforts.
For More Information
Andrew Obernesser, AICP | Project Manager[email protected]