EDR congratulates our client EDP Renewables for completing construction of the Jericho Rise Wind Farm. Located in Franklin County in northern New York, the project includes 37 wind turbines with a total generating capacity of 78 megawatts (MW), which is enough renewable energy to power approximately 24,000 homes. EDR served as the lead environmental permitting consultant for the project, including the environmental review under New York’s State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), wetland delineations and permitting, cultural (i.e., archaeological and historic) resources surveys, visual impact assessment, and providing on-site environmental/agricultural compliance monitoring during construction of the project. The project was connected to the New York State transmission grid and placed into commercial operation in late December, 2016 and is the 11th operating wind project that EDR has worked on in New York. We’re proud of our role in supporting environmentally responsible siting and permitting for renewable energy projects and congratulate EDP Renewables on their success with this project!
For More Information
John Hecklau | Principal[email protected]