EDR congratulates the U.S. Forest Service and Avangrid Renewables on the achievement of a significant milestone. Deerfield Wind Farm began commercial operation on December 29, 2017 – and it is the first wind farm on U.S. Forest Service lands nationwide! Located in Bennington County in southern Vermont, the project includes 15 wind turbines that are now providing clean, renewable energy to approximately 14,000 Vermont homes each year. EDR served as an independent third-party contractor to the USFS in their review of the project under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), preparing the draft, supplemental draft, and final Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) for public review. “This project in concept has been at the forefront of our program of work for many years,” said John Sinclair, Forest Supervisor for the Green Mountain and Finger Lakes National Forests. “We are proud to recognize the dedicated USFS employees, local leaders, partners, and government agencies that have contributed countless hours of work toward making the development of our nation’s first commercial-scale wind energy facility on National Forest System lands a reality here in Vermont.” The Green Mountain National Forest adopted their current Land and Resource Management Plan in 2006, which included a goal to provide opportunities for renewable energy use and development. EDR is proud to have helped the Forest Service achieve their goals!
For More Information
John Hecklau, Sara R. Stebbins | Principal, Environmental Services, Senior Ecological Resource Specialist[email protected], [email protected]