EDR is excited to offer archaeological surveys and other cultural resources services to our current and prospective clients developing projects in Wyoming. EDR began providing cultural resources services in 2010, and since that time has conducted dozens of cultural resources investigations in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Midwest. Recently, one of our senior cultural resources staff members, Nick Freeland, relocated to Lander, Wyoming and is serving as our lead technical staff to provide archaeological services in Wyoming. Nick holds a Master of Arts degree from the University of Wyoming and previously served as a Cultural Resources Specialist at the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office. He has conducted numerous archaeological surveys in Wyoming and the Great Basin, including serving as the lead author of the National Historic Landmark nomination for the Hell Gap Paleoindian Site. Nick is supported by our senior cultural resources personnel, all of whom meet the Secretary of Interior’s Guidelines (per 36 CFR Part 61) in their respective fields, including archaeology, history, architectural history, and historic architecture. In addition, our cultural resources team is supported by a diverse group of environmental professionals with expertise in stream and wetland delineations, ecology, wildlife biology, botany, visual impact analysis, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), environmental permitting, zoning and land use analysis, and technical writing and research. We are very pleased to have recently been added to the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office’s Cultural Resources Consultants List and look forward to expanding our network of clients and contacts in the region.
To learn more about EDR and our archaeological services in Wyoming, please contact Patrick Heaton, our Director of Cultural Resources, and Nick Freeland, our Project Archaeologist based in Lander, Wyoming:
Nick Freeland, Cultural Resources Specialist
Environmental Design & Research
Landscape Architecture, Engineering & Environmental Services, D.P.C.
PO Box 1087, Lander, WY 82520
C. 315.200.4676
E. [email protected] :: www.edrdpc.com
For More Information
Patrick J. Heaton, RPA | Principal, Director of Cultural Resources[email protected]