Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection
Baldwinsville, NY
A condition assessment report, capacity evaluation report and immediate improvements upgrade project was completed for the Baldwinsville-Seneca Knolls WWTP. A condition assessment was performed of the entire treatment plant which included the assessment of all tanks, structures, equipment, and appurtenance. The potential upgrades to the oxygen generation system and backup liquid oxygen systems were also evaluated as part of this work. A capital improvement plan was developed for 1 year, 5 year, and 10 year improvements. The results of the condition assessment were added to Onondaga County’s Maximo asset management system.
A capacity evaluation was performed to determine the needed improvements to increase the capacity of the existing plant to handle anticipated industrial food processing waste. Computer modeling of the proposed process upgrades were performed utilizing BioWin simulation software. The capacity of the plant to handle higher organic loadings was evaluated for operation of the High Purity Oxygen (HPO) process tanks in parallel and series configuration.
Immediate improvement items that were identified in the condition assessment were designed and constructed for the WWTP. These items included replacement of slide gates, concrete repair and modifications to the plant oxygen piping.