City of Albany Brownfield Opportunity Area Plans

City of Albany
North and South BOA, City of Albany, NY

EDR partnered with the City of Albany Planning and Development Department to develop two Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Nomination Studies for the city’s 4.6 miles of waterfront land. One key focus, therefore, was to integrate resiliency thinking related to climate change and sea level rise into the master redevelopment plans. This approach not only enhances natural features but also protects the built environment and improves livability, especially in historically disadvantaged neighborhoods.

Project Components:

  • Master Plan Redevelopment: EDR revamped the master plans for each BOA area. The team assessed current conditions and subsequently identified future potential.
  • Impact Assessment: They also evaluated how factors like truck traffic, combined sewer overflows (CSOs), and railroad crossings affect redevelopment.
  • Framework Plan Creation: In addition, EDR designed a framework plan that incorporates various Green Infrastructure opportunities.
  • Targeted Economic Opportunities: Moreover, the project identified redevelopment options based on specific economic targets.
  • Community Engagement: EDR actively engaged city residents and interest groups to foster positive outcomes.

As the lead firm, EDR ensured that various considerations were integrated into actionable plans. These plans will assist the city in redeveloping strategic brownfield sites. Ultimately, this effort will activate the entire waterfront in line with coastal policies.

Finally, the Albany Nomination Studies have been submitted for formal designation by the Secretary of State. Once designated, Albany will gain access to BOA implementation funding. This funding will enable the city to carry out the recommendations outlined in the plan.