Everpower Wind Holdings, Inc.
Chautauqua County, NY
Based on the overall project scale, the Cassadaga Wind project was required to submit an Article-10 application to New York State. Professional services for the project included EDR preparing site-civil engineering preliminary design drawings, which included the wind turbine locations, access road layout, electrical collection line layout, and preliminary designs for the laydown yard, operation and maintenance facility, concrete batch plant, and the electrical substation.
The focus of the preliminary design drawings was designing the access roads, as wind Turbine delivery vehicles are much heavier and longer than traditional tractor trailer/semi-trucks and requires a specific design to accommodate the necessary horizontal and vertical geometry to allow safe passage. The existing conditions of the project site consist of rolling terrain with moderate slopes, farmland and forested land make up the primary existing land uses. EDR was able to design the roads to minimize impacts to existing forest, wetlands, streams, and to maintain the maximum area of farmland available for production while meeting the strict horizontal and vertical road geometry to allow for the delivery of the wind turbine components.
Project features included the installation and operation of 86 wind turbines, installation and operation of 5 meteorological towers, 34 miles of permanent turbine access roads, buried electrical interconnect lines, a collection substation, and an operations and maintenance (O&M) building.