Town of Henrietta
Henrietta, NY
EDR has been assisting the Town of Henrietta in Monroe County since 2016 with detailed reviews and analyses of current land use plans and zoning regulations due to a recent and significant increase in large-scale development projects. Many of these projects are related to growth of the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Development has been occurring throughout the Town, especially in the vicinity of the RIT campus. Led by EDR, the Town assessed ways to manage further development in a proactive manner that meets the Town’s future housing and economic development needs while limiting adverse effects on the community.
Working with Town officials and legal counsel, EDR prepared a Comprehensive Plan Update and drafted substantial modifications to local land use laws, the zoning ordinance and official zoning map. Encouraging mixed-use development with a focus on redevelopment of vacant and underutilized properties, in lieu of greenfield development, are major objectives of the committee’s work. The establishment and institution of mixed-use overlay districts, incentive-zoning, design guidelines, and development standards are among the most significant changes. Redevelopment of existing developed areas is encouraged to direct growth away from remaining rural areas and active farmland in the southern portion of the Town. EDR continues to offer ongoing planning services for the Town, including project management and planning support for the joint towns of Henrietta and Rush Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, which will ultimately provide land use protections for the Genesee River and Erie Canal waterfronts.