City of Syracuse
Syracuse, NY
EDR teamed with a nationally-recognized land use consulting firm, to draft a new zoning code for the City of Syracuse.
Project objectives included: (1) ensure the new ordinance and map implement the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan 2040, including the Syracuse Land Use & Development Plan 2040; (2) transition from the current use-focused / Euclidian zoning ordinance to an updated ordinance that incorporates principles of Form Based Codes, and Smart Growth; (3) develop and/or improving standards regulatoring urban design, urban agriculture, lighting, signage, landscaping, parking, site design, infill development, and vacant land management; (4) promote and facilitate historic preservation; (5) fashion sustainable development provisions regarding climate adaptation, renewable energy infrastructure, green building standards, and green infrastructure; (6) increase protection of natural resources; (7) streamline the development review process by creating more predictable zoning regulations; (8) update the format and structure of the zoning ordinance to be user-friendly and include graphics and illustrations; (9) remove inconsistencies, outdated language, and reducing the complexity of the zoning ordinance; (10) facilitiate increased public awareness of, and participation in zoning reviews and processes; and (11) increase use of technology to provide and receive information from the public.
EDR led the update of the zoning map, participated in public engagement and education, implemented character area recommendations (noted in the municipal land use plan), and drafted the landscape standards section of the new ordinance.