Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection
Liverpool, NY
The Wetzel Road Wastewater Treatment Plant is a 7 mgd facility that is owned and operated by the Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection. EDR performed a condition assessment of the Primary Digester No.2 and prepared construction documents for the repair of the digester. The digester had been operated for the past 14 years prior to taking the digester out of service of cleaning and repairs.
The condition assessment included a field inspection of the digester exterior and confined space entry for the inspection of the digester interior. The inspections were performed by EDR’s structural and mechanical engineers. Items in need of repair included concrete repair from hydrogen sulfide damage to the overflow structure, repair of corroded piping for the gas mixing and hydronic heating system, repairs to the gas mixing system mechanical components, repainting of railings and stairs and repairs to the tank cover insulation.
Design drawing and specification were prepared for the repair of the digester for use in the Onondaga County Procurement process.