Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection
Clay, NY
The White Pine Industrial Park is projected to be approximately 1,200 acres located at the northeast corner of NYS Route 31 and Caughdenoy Road in the Town of Clay. In anticipation of development in the area and to provide sanitary service, Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection commissioned a project to plan, design and construct a new industrial and sanitary sewage pump station and force main to serve this area. The force main will transport wastewater from the White Pine Industrial Park and Northern Clay area to the Oak Orchard WWTP. The estimated length of the force main from the pump station to the Oak Orchard WWTP is 20,000-feet. The estimated size of the force main will be a minimum of 24-inches, but the actual size will be finalized based on the estimated peak flow capacity. Based on prospective development in the area, the pump station will be required to handle flows of 10-12 mgd.