EDR would like to congratulate our client, Open Road Renewables (ORR), for receiving notification that the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) has determined that the Application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need (Certificate Application) for the Hillcrest Solar Project is administratively complete. The project now enters the next procedural phase of the OPSB review process, which includes OPSB Staff investigation and report, a local public hearing, and an adjudicatory hearing. This is a significant milestone for Hillcrest Solar – congratulations ORR!
The Hillcrest Solar Farm is a 125 megawatt (MW) solar-powered electric generation facility proposed to be located in Brown County, and would be the first utility-scale solar facility in Ohio. EDR is serving as the lead environmental consultant for this project, and our responsibilities for Hillcrest Solar include assistance with preparation of the Certificate Application and associated support studies such as a Visual Impact Assessment, Cultural Resources Report, and Socioeconomic Report.
The complete Certificate Application can be found here.
For More Information
Benjamin R. Brazell | Principal[email protected]