We couldn’t have ordered a nicer day than this past Saturday for the Brian Zimmer Memorial Golf Tournament at Victor Hills! A gorgeous fall day and beautiful course provided the perfect backdrop for the event, which raised money for the Shane & Brandon Zimmer Educational Fund in honor of their father. In all, more than 100 participants came out in support of the Zimmer family. EDR would like to thank each of them – golfers and non-golfers alike – as well as the staff at Victor Hills for making the tournament, contests, raffles, and awards dinner possible.
We would like to congratulate all of our tournament and contest winners… and to apologize to any team that played behind the EDR staff members! Alas, what we lack in speed (and driving distance, and putting ability, and most other golf-related skills) on the course, we make up for in respect and admiration for Cindy Zimmer – an outstanding colleague, loving mother, and dedicated wife.
Thank you all for your support!
1st Place – Team Zury
2nd Place – Team Mann
3rd Place – Team Pixley
Longest Drive – Billy Sanborn (M), Maria Vanelli (W)
Closet to the Pin – Pete Zury (M), Maria Vanelli (W)
Putting Contest – Christy Conley (W), Michael O’Connor (M)
The “Next Time, Bring Steve” Award – Team EDR #1 (Seeley, Rhoda, Falco, Gerber)
The “Keep Practicing… Please!” Award – Team EDR #2 (Gagliano, Hecklau, Brazell, Liberman)
The “Seriously, How Many Holes Did You Play?” Award – Team EDR #3 (Brackett, Rice, Britton, Britton)
The “At Least One of Us Can Putt” Award – Team EDR #4 (Conley, Prizzi, MacColl, Tynon)
The “We’re With Mary” Award – Team EDR #5 (Vanelli, Vanelli, Kashmayrk, Reeder)