EDR is pleased to welcome Erica Tauzer to our Planning & Site Design Studio! Erica comes to EDR with recent experience as an urban forestry educator for Cornell Cooperative Extension, where she promoted the use of trees as green infrastructure for the City of Syracuse through Onondaga County’s Save the Rain program. Prior to that she was a Research Coordinator with SUNY Upstate Medical Center and Ecuador’s Secretary of Risk Management. This research project took her to Ecuador to develop and implement research on flood vulnerability and capacity, collaborate with local, national and international players related to flooding response and other public health initiatives, and supervise a team of students, professors, and local authorities to implement research methods. She is a Udall Scholar (U.S. Institute of Environmental Conflict Resolution) and recipient of a National Wildlife Federal Campus Ecology Fellowship. Erica earned a Bachelor of Arts in Biology & Spanish from Albion College in May 2010, a Master of Science in Environmental Studies from SUNY ESF in May 2014 and holds a Certificate of Advanced Study in Conflict Resolution from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University. She is fluent in Spanish and loves cycling around Syracuse, rain or shine. Welcome, Erica!