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EDR Working with Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind to Secure a Renewable Future

EDR is thrilled to announce they have been selected as the lead environmental permitting consultant for Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind. The proposed offshore wind project will contribute to meeting regional renewable energy goals – generating up to approximately 2,500 megawatts (MW) of clean, renewable energy to the New Jersey and New York electric power grids. […]

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A Better Environment

EDR celebrates the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! Our firm is built on our commitment to environmental stewardship and we’re proud to look back on our 40-year legacy of sustainable site design, creative planning and engineering solutions for our communities, and responsible permitting and siting of development projects. The current uncertainties around COVID-19 provide an […]

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Working Through this Together

EDR is committed to serving our clients and their projects while navigating the challenges of our current public health crisis. We are taking proactive measures to help protect the health of our employees and are taking full advantage of available technology to allow for flexible and safe work strategies. EDR will continue to evaluate how […]

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2020 Staff Promotions

Our firm is our people, and we are committed to our employees’ growth and development in their careers. EDR celebrates the following recent promotions: Landscape Architecture Mary Hejna to Landscape Architect Sarah Hogan to Senior Project Manager Engineering Joe Jacobs to Project Manager Mallory Squier-Babcock to Project Engineer Environmental  Josh Marchner to Senior Environmental Analyst […]

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Gustav Stickley House Foundation Capital Campaign

EDR is a proud sponsor of the Gustav Stickley House Foundation’s Kick-Off Event for their new capital campaign.  The foundation is seeking to raise funds to complete the restoration of the Gustav Stickley House located at 438 Columbus Avenue in Syracuse.  The Kick-Off Event is March 5th from 5-8 PM at the Everson Museum of […]

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Mapping Local History – Syracuse’s West Side

EDR is thrilled to have been awarded a contract from the City of Syracuse to undertake the second phase of a comprehensive historic resources survey for the City.  The goal of the project is to identify and map new historic districts and historic properties to allow for better planning and stewardship of Syracuse’s historic and […]

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Updated NYSDEC Visual Policy Features EDR Graphics

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation released their revised DEC Program Policy (DEP-00-2) Assessing and Mitigating Visual and Aesthetic Impacts in December 2019.  The DEC Program Policy is an important guidance document relied upon for preparing Visual Impact Assessments as part of environmental permitting projects in New York, including assessments prepared for renewable […]

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Bluestone Wind Receives Article 10 Approval

EDR would like to congratulate Bluestone Wind on its recent Article 10 approval by the New York Siting Board.  On December 16, 2019, the Siting Board issued an Order Granting Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the proposed Bluestone Wind project, a 124 MW wind project in Broome County, NY. The Siting Board’s […]

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