Congratulations to National Grid Renewables on Project Approval from the OPSB
Nov 23, 2021
Congratulations to National Grid Renewables on the recent Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) approval of the Sycamore Creek Solar Project, located in Crawford County, Ohio. The 117-megawatt project will bring construction jobs and revenue to the area, including annual payments to the local school district. Once operating, the project will provide clean power to electricity […]
Town of Irondequoit Approves Master Plan
Oct 27, 2021
EDR congratulates the Town of Irondequoit on approval and adoption of the Town Hall Campus Master Plan. The unanimous approval by the board was the result of a collaborative effort with the town and community, led by EDR’s planning and design team. The Town of Irondequoit engaged EDR to create a Master Plan that would […]
Ross County Solar Project
Oct 26, 2021
EDR congratulates National Grid Renewables on the recent Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) approval of their Ross County Solar project in Ross County, Ohio. The 120-megawatt project will bring construction jobs and revenue to the area. Once operating, the project will be able to produce enough power to offset carbon dioxide emissions by an estimated […]
Congratulations to Open Road Renewables on Approval from the OPSB
Oct 22, 2021
Congratulates to Open Road Renewables on the recent Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) approval of their Clearview Solar project in Adams Township, Champaign County, Ohio. The 144-megawatt project will be able to produce enough power to supply over 27,000 households. EDR greatly appreciates the opportunity to work with Open Road Renewables through the OPSB approval […]
EDR Staff Earn AICP Accreditations
Oct 08, 2021
Congratulations to Visualization Project Manager Kiva VanDerGeest, Senior Planner Sarah Krisch, and Senior Project Manager Sam Gordon, for recently earning their AICP Certification from the American Planning Association. The AICP designation demonstrates competence and integrity among planners, requiring a broad knowledge of planning principles and practices; continuing education in the latest tools, trends, laws, and […]
Congratulations to Apex Clean Energy on Approval from the OPSB
Oct 06, 2021
EDR congratulates Apex Clean Energy on the recent Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) approval of their Wheatsborough Solar Project in Groton Township, Erie County, Ohio. The 125 megawatt (MW) project, which will consist of solar panel arrays as well as a 50 MW battery energy storage system, will be able to produce enough power to supply […]
BOEM issues Notice of Intent (NOI) for Atlantic Shores
Oct 01, 2021
EDR congratulates the Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind Team on the announcement from the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) issuing the Notice of Intent (NOI) in the Federal Register to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the review of the Atlantic Shores Construction and Operations Plan (COP). The Projects include developing two offshore wind […]
EDR Opens Midwest Office in Downtown Columbus Ohio
Sep 27, 2021
EDR is pleased to announce the grand opening of their Midwest office in downtown Columbus. EDR has provided professional services in Ohio for well over a decade leading Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) permitting efforts, including the preparation of environmental studies such as visual impact assessments, planting/screening plans, socioeconomic evaluations, glare assessments, vegetation management plans, […]