EDR Welcomes New Archaeology Staff
Jun 07, 2021
EDR is pleased to announce Janna Napoli, RPA, Joe Kwiatek, and Mike Way, RA have joined the firm’s Cultural Resources practice group to support archaeological surveys for renewable energy and infrastructure projects in the Northeast and Midwest. Janna Napoli, RPA joins EDR as a Project Archaeologist with over six years of archaeological field and laboratory […]
Celebrate National Trails Day!
Jun 04, 2021
The first Saturday in June is National Trails Day, and it is no secrete we love trails! From planning and designing them to walking, pedaling, and paddling EDR is a firm full of trail enthusiasts! Check out some of our favorite resources to find a trail near you! New York: Empire Trail Pedal or Paddle […]
EDR Welcomes New Landscape Architects to the Team
May 28, 2021
EDR is pleased to announce the addition of Ken Gifford, RLA, and Ryan Fogg, RLA to the firm’s Landscape Architecture practice group. Ken joins EDR as a Landscape Architect with over ten years of professional experience. He is licensed in Washington and working on his SITES accreditation. He earned a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree […]
Historic Preservation Project Highlights – City of Syracuse
May 17, 2021
EDR began providing cultural resources services in 2010 and has since conducted dozens of historic resources surveys throughout New York State and the northeast. However, EDR’s Historic Preservation team has been fortunate to work on many projects right in our hometown of the City of Syracuse, including several of note in 2020: On behalf of […]
EDR Leads Permitting Efforts for Pivot Energy in the Adirondack Park
May 13, 2021
EDR congratulates Pivot Energy on their recent approval of their Pivot Solar NY 1 project in the Town of Ticonderoga, Essex County, New York. This project is a 5 MW-AC community solar garden that will safely and reliably generate enough clean electricity to power over 1,500 New York households and lower utility expenses for area […]
Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits – Restoring the Past
May 10, 2021
Through the use of tax incentives, the National Park Service (NPS) is encouraging private sector property owners to invest in the preservation of our country’s architectural heritage. Known as historic rehabilitation tax credits (HRTCs), the program provides a 20% reduction of federal income tax liability for qualified rehabilitation expenditures (QREs)supporting the re-use of income-producing historic […]
EDR Adds Solid Waste Engineering Services
May 05, 2021
EDR is pleased to announce the expansion of our engineering services to now include solid waste management planning and related facility design services. In addition to traditional solid waste engineering services, the specialized team of professionals bring significant experience with planning and designing organics recycling facilities. EDR Executive Manager Jeffrey Heath, PE, and Senior Project […]
Welcome to A Better Environment
Feb 22, 2021
Welcome to A Better Environment! EDR is excited to launch our refreshed brand, website, and mission! In the past year our team, like all of you, has met unexpected challenges and created new solutions that have allowed us to grow and evolve. These challenges have also provided an opportunity for reflection on our priorities and […]