EDR was honored to team with Onondaga County on the development of the Onondaga County Veterans Memorial Cemetery memorial plaza and sign.
This living memorial is for the Onondaga County residents and their family members who dedicated portions of their lives to the military and defense of our nation. Since the first burial of decorated World War II Navy veteran Leo McInerney on June 11, 1986, the cemetery has performed services for more than 5,000 veterans from the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, and Air Force. The 52-acre Veterans Cemetery grounds have been enhanced by additions of a Memorial Garden (1998) and enlarged Chapel (2000), with recent expansion necessary to provide a fitting final resting place for veterans today and those who will serve in the future.
EDR provided landscape architectural design services for the memorial plaza including ADA compliant walkways leading to a central plaza area with flags representing each branch of the US military. A low concrete wall semi-encloses the plaza space and serves as a sign wall, with large cast bronze letters. Landscape plantings and lawn seamlessly blend the plaza space into the cemetery grounds. Site lighting provides illumination in the evening hours as a reminder of the brave men and women who sacrificed it all, for our freedom.
We are grateful for all Veterans who have served our country.