EDR has been proud to support the efforts of the City of Syracuse as it embarks on its first comprehensive revision of the citywide zoning ordinance for the first time in 50 years! The original ordinance, first adopted in 1922, was last overhauled in 1967 – much has changed since then in terms of land use, development patterns, and the regulatory tools and mechanisms that are available to municipalities. We are excited to be a part of the ReZone Syracuse initiative – a project that will have such positive impacts to our local built environment and quality of life!
While EDR has been hard at work on a revision of the zoning map, our colleagues at Clarion Associates have done a fantastic job guiding the revision of the ordinance from top to bottom. The first installment of the revised ordinance (a series of proposed districts and allowed land uses) has recently been published, and the first draft of the revised map is now available for public review as well. All materials are posted on the ReZone Syracuse website, at http://www.syrgov.net/ReZone.
The public rollout of the draft map continues next week at Corcoran High School (Wednesday, 2/15) and Nottingham High School (Thursday, 2/16). Both meetings begin at 7:00PM in the schools’ cafeterias. Please join us to discuss this exciting and important project!