EDR is a proud sponsor of the upcoming Small Scale Real Estate Development Workshop, hosted by the Syracuse Industrial Development Authority and the Incremental Development Alliance! The workshop aims to empower small developers to take the first step toward projects that can create lasting value throughout the community.
“Through presentations on finance, design and site selection, a hands-on practice exercise, and networking with local like-minded people, this workshop is the first step to becoming a small developer yourself or creating a supportive ecosystem for small development in your city.”
IncDev’s message will resonate throughout our client communities – and they have scholarships available! We would also like to recognize our fellow sponsors, each of whom are doing great things to improve the quality of life throughout the community:
- The Allyn Family Foundation
- Home Headquarters
- The Home Builders and Remodelers of CNY
- The Greater Syracuse Land Bank
- Pathfinder Bank
- C&S Companies
- National Grid
Registration: http://www.incrementaldevelopment.org/events/syracuseworkshop
For More Information
Andrew Obernesser, AICP | Project Manager[email protected]