New York State recently passed the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act as part of its progressive renewable energy policy, including a mandate to achieve 70 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030. EDR is the industry leader for environmental permitting for renewable energy projects in New York, including preparing Article 10 siting applications and associated permitting studies for more than 20 utility-scale wind and solar projects that have been reviewed or are currently being reviewed by the state. Collectively, these projects (when built) would generate more than 4,350 megawatts of clean renewable energy for New York State.
In 2020 alone, a total of six applications have been submitted to the NYS Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment (Siting Board) for renewable energy projects, five of which were prepared by EDR. Our recent notable contributions toward achieving the state’s renewable energy goals include preparing and/or supporting the Article 10 Applications for Morris Ridge and Riverhead 2 Solar (submitted in June), Horseshoe Solar (submitted in July), and Flint Mine Solar (submitted in May, deemed complete in August). EDR is built on our commitment to environmental stewardship and we take great pride in our contributions to sustainable site design, creative planning and engineering solutions for our communities, and responsible permitting and siting of renewable energy projects.
For More Information
Benjamin R. Brazell | Principal, Environmental Services[email protected]