The Liverpool Village Cemetery, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is a reverent place and treasured community asset in the Village of Liverpool (Onondaga County, NY). EDR’s cultural resources, planning, and landscape architecture staff are assisting the Village of Liverpool and Cemetery Committee to prepare a Restoration, Long Term Maintenance, and Preservation Plan for the site. The project team recently held a public meeting, hosted by the Liverpool Public Library and attended by more than 40 village residents, to introduce this preservation planning project to the community. The presentation included a heartfelt introduction regarding the importance of the cemetery in the community by Michael Romano (Chairman of the Cemetery Committee), an excellent lecture on the historical significance of the site by Dorianne Gutierrez (Village of Liverpool Historian), and review of planning and site design efforts completed to date by Patrick Heaton (EDR’s Director of Cultural Resources). Next steps for the project include ongoing public outreach to build community support, fundraising, and identification of high-priority site restoration needs.
Information regarding how to learn more and support this effort is available here. #liverpoolcemetery.
For More Information
Patrick Heaton, RPA | Director of Cultural Resources[email protected]