Spring is officially here, and with that we welcome some new members to the EDR Team!
Dan McCormick, RLA (lower left) has joined EDR as a Project Manager in our Site Design Studio at our Rochester office. Dan received his Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management from Cornell University followed by his Master of Landscape Architecture from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF). He comes to us from Boulder, Colorado, where he worked as a Landscape Architect at Boulder County Parks and Open Space. He will use his skills from overseeing construction projects, working on Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) worksheets/permits, developing plans and cost estimates for many Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) , open space and trail projects along with his training in CAD and graphics programs to guide him as a project manager.
Kristina Garenani, M.A., RPA (lower right) has joined EDR as a Senior Archaeologist and Project Manager with our Cultural Resources Group. Kristina is a Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA) with more than 10 years of professional experience and meets the Qualifications for the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Archaeology (per 36 CFR 61). She has had extensive experience in Section 106 consultation, report preparation and writing, State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) research, coordination with state agencies, evaluation of historic properties using National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility criteria, and Native American tribal consultation. In her most recent position as Principal Investigator and Pittsburgh Branch Lead for a large cultural resources management (CRM) firm, Kristina was responsible for managing and participating on Section 106 projects for a variety of public and private industry clients, predominantly in the oil and gas industry, as well as global positioning system (GPS) and geographic information system (GIS) operation and file management.
Robert Wojcikiewicz (upper left) has joined EDR as an Environmental Analyst with our Environmental Services Group based in our Albany, New York office. Robert received his Bachelor of Science in Geological Sciences from the State University of New York (SUNY) Geneseo. Robert’s experience includes field work and research in the Southwestern U.S. for the Assessment, Inventory and Monitoring (AIM) protocol in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
Simon Mirron (upper right) has returned to EDR as a Site Design Drafter in our Site Design Studio at our Syracuse office. Simon has more than 29 years of professional experience, which includes the production of construction drawing sets for architecture and landscape architecture projects, plan coordination, detail development, product and material selection and the coordination with structural, electrical and mechanical engineers. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies and Diploma in Architecture from the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. Simon is also a member of the Engineers Without Borders Syracuse Professionals Chapter.